fullkomlega sársaukalausar aðferðir

deyfingaraðferðir sem eru þægilegar fyrir sjúklingana

Computer Controlled System The WAND

allir tannlæknar hafa lokið sérstakri þjálfun og nota reglulega Atraumatic Technique fyrir staðdeyfingu í tannlækningum

sérstök umönnun barna

Sársaukalaus staðdeyfing

Það er algjör óþarfi að vera hræddur við tannlækninn lengur! Allir sjúklingar okkar eru meðhöndlaðir á fullkomlega sársaukalausan hátt. Tannlæknirinn sem sér um hverja aðgerð velur einstaklingsmiðaðan skammt, tegund og útdeilingu deyfingar. Stofan okkar er útbúin nýjasta tækjabúnaði hvað viðkemur deyfingu. Allir tannlæknar hafa lokið sérhæfðri þjálfun í Atraumatic Technique fyrir staðdeyfingu í tannlækningum. Þökk sé því þarf sjúklingur ekki að óttast sársauka á meðan á deyfingu og sjálfri aðgerðinni stendur.

Nýjustu deyfilyfin

Við notum aðeins nýjustu staðdeyfingarlyfin frá þýsk-bandaríska fyrirtækinu 3M-ESPE. Einkenni þeirra er hátt hlutfall af hreinleika lyfsins (engin rotvarnarefni sem eru til staðar í öðrum deyfilyfjum) sem eykur á öryggi þeirra. Þetta er sérstaklega mikilvægt fyrir sjúklinga í áhættuflokki t.d. börn og fólk með ofnæmi eða hjartasjúkdóma.

Anesthetization of children

We pay special attention to our youngest patients. Thanks to the Computer Controlled Local Anesthesia Delivery System - The Wand and the appropriate anesthesia technique (among others: surface anesthesia of the mucosa with a special gel) we are able to treat children completely painless. Without tears, pain and traumatic memories.


Computer Controlled Local Anesthesia Delivery System - The Wand®


Computer Controlled Local Anesthesia Delivery System - The Wand®

In order to offer our patients fully comfortable and painfree treatment, all treatments at Indexmedica are performed under local anesthesia, with use of internationally recognized as the most effective and safest anesthetics. Patients may be also anesthetized "under computer control" with the special The Wand system, which guarantees efficiency and predictability of anesthesia


Computer Controlled Local Anesthesia Delivery System - The Wand®


Computer Controlled Local Anesthesia Delivery System - The Wand®


Conscious sedation

Conscious sedation sometimes called relaxation dentistry is a combination of medicines to help you relax and to block pain during a dental procedure. It allows you to enter a state of deep relaxation, eliminate fear and anxiety. Conscious sedation lets you recover quickly and return to your everyday activities soon after your procedure. The procedure is carried out by an expert sedation anaesthesiologist with assistance of a nurse. Unlike General Anesthesia where a patient is completely unconscious, asleep, and unable to respond,  patients under conscious sedation, although they won't feel any pain are able to respond to commands and breath on their own. As communication is key with any dentist-patient relationship, conscious sedation is an excellent option for patients who are afraid of the dentist. One of the major benefits of sedation dentistry is that people often feel like their dental procedure lasts only a few minutes, when in fact it might have taken hours to perform. Therefore, complex dental procedures such as eg. extensive surgical treatments that normally require multiple visits, can often be performed in fewer appointments with maximum comfort and safety. Conscious sedation is recommended for patients who:
  • have hight fear of dentists
  • had traumatic dental experiences
  • have difficulty getting numb
  • have a bad gag reflex
  • very sensitive teeth
  • complex dental problems
  • limited time to complete dental care
It is important to have a responsible adult escort, who is capable of looking after the patient unaided, must accompany the patient home after treatment. It is also required to have blood tests before conscious sedation. Conscious sedation up to 2 hours costs 285 EUR.  


Tomasz Muszyński MD

Specialist in anaesthesiology and intensive-care medicine

Doctor Muszyński graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Postgraduate training at the Clinical Hospital in Krakow. In 1994 he became a first-degree specialist in anaesthesiology, 3 years later became a second-degree specialist in anaesthesiology and intensive-care medicine. He completed his postgraduate studies at the FEEA (2001). For 8 years he worked as an assistant at Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He has a vast experience of over 20 years of work in anaesthesiology and intensive care for dental surgery and preventive dentistry. Doctor Muszyński had worked in several hospitals in Krakow (Państwowy Szpital Kliniczny, Szpital Uniwersytecki) and the University Dental Clinic. For over 17 years he has cooperated with several dental offices and clinics. He participates in implantology training courses organised by the Central European Implant Academy. He is an author and co-author of over 70 scientific articles and papers which were published by Polish and foreign specialist journals dealing with anaesthesiology, intensive-care medicine, acute and chronic pain management. Also, he is an author and co-author of many congress reports, presented both in the country and abroad, articles on peri-operative treatment in maxillofacial surgery and ENT surgery, on post-operative pain management and clinical toxicology. Tomasz Muszyński is a member of Polish Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy (Polskie Towarzystwo Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii). Since 1994 he is a lecturer at the Medical Faculty Jagiellonian University in Krakow. He trains medics in anaesthesiology, first aid and intensive-care medicine. He has specialised in sedation and sedoanalgesia in dental surgery and in preventive dentistry.